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Writer's pictureMarcel Doorschodt

Which language do you speak best with your child(ren)?

Which language do you speak best with your child(ren)?


Speaking another language with your children than your partner or than the language of the country, is often a challenge. Everbody often starts in good spirits, but the following is different for each and everyone. How do you get the best result? I would like to share some tips with you.

Speak only in your mother tongue to your child

It is important that you have a perfect command of the language that you speak to your child. Apart of learning them the language, you also share your roots with your child and show them that it is important to you. At the same time you don’t learn them any mistakes (as it is your mother tongue) and for you it is less strenuous.   If you speak the language fluently and do not have to look for words, you will be the point of reference in this language for your child.

One language per person

It is easier for a child to learn a language when one person consequently speaks the same language them. The best is to do this consequently and no to switch to another language (that the child might know better). For instance when your child speaks another language at school and wants to tell what has happened that day. The temptation can be strong… I know 😊

Start as soon as possible

Preferably even before their birth! When the baby is in its mother belly, they can already hear your voice. This way the baby can get used to the melody and the sound of your voice. Even when your child starts to talk, it still will take a while before you can have a real conversation with them. But children are just like sponges, they absorb everything. You will not immediately see the result of your effort, but you can count on it that everything has been registered by your child!

Different phases

During the education of your child(ren) you will be different phases especially when your language is not the dominant one. There might be phases in which your child(ren) do not want to answer you or will answer you in another more dominant language at home.  Respect these phases, but continue to speak your language. Eventually you will be rewarded for your effort!

You pass on more than your language

By speaking your own language, you don’t only pass on your language, but also your culture and origins. The way of expressing things is different in each language. It also tells a lot about how people communicate in this language. So I was a couple of times surprised by my children when they started to crack jokes in my way in my language! The first things I thought:  “I could have cracked the same jokes myself!” Very funny!

Do not discourage yourself

This is probably the hardest part. But to make consequently the same effort, to continue talking in your language, is probably the most valuable gift you can give to your child.

For me this is the best way to have a result: what do you think?

And you? What is for you the best way to raise your child in several languages?  If you have tips or requests, please let me know! Thank you in advance! If you want to contact me, you can find my contact details on my website: . See you soon!

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